Footbridge Upgrades and Streambank Restoration

Our Jones Engineering Associates team is pleased to announce that we have been contracted to design and manage a footbridge improvement and streambank restoration project in Bucks County, essentially serving as a one-stop engineering shop for the multi-faceted undertaking.

As part of the scope of work, our firm will engineer improvements to the Vermilion Hills footbridge, as well as restoration of the streambank. The project, which is located in Falls Township, consists of repairs to the pedestrian bridge such as reconstruction of the handrails, stripping and repainting the bridge, and upgrades to the footbridge approach. In addition, Jones Engineering will design upgrades to the walking path and improvements aimed at stabilizing the streambank, including clearing of brush and replanting.

Our firm will also incorporate an established trail to connect the pedestrian bridge to the adjacent township-owned open space property. We will also examine design solutions to allow for additional parking and better access.

Surveying and preliminary analysis

The Jones Engineering team will provide professional surveying of approximately 1/2 acre of wooded terrain, as well as multiple stream and ditch cross-sections, upstream and down the pedestrian bridge to ensure proper design elevations are used to improve the bridge. Survey data will be used for the requisite base map which would in turn be used in designing the improvements, defining the project scope, and bidding on this public project. We will also obtain the necessary topographic data to submit for required construction permits. Our firm will do its due diligence in investigating which underground utilities may be situated in the work zone.

Engineering design

Once surveying is complete, Jones Engineering will prepare design, bid, and construction documents for the upgrades. Engineering design of the improvements will also include floodplain/water surface analysis, as well as preparing plans for and obtaining all required permits and approvals from various outside agencies. Site and pedestrian safety and access will be coordinated in the project design.

Project oversight

JEA will engage local community groups and students from the local middle schools to assist with certain portions of the project to engage the youth and provide them with opportunities for education and insight into the many facets of this type of design and construction project while reinforcing the importance of giving back to their community.

In addition, our firm will prepare bid schedules, and advertisements and attend pre-bid meetings, as well as other related meetings, and will be available to answer any questions throughout the public bidding process and construction phase of the project.

To ensure the improvements are carried out in line with construction documents, Jones Engineering will provide construction inspection and oversee all work within the project scope. Jones Engineering Associates is proud to provide engineering services and oversight for our municipal engineering client’s project, which we envision as a step up for pedestrian access and flood prevention.