Culvert Repairs and Streambank Restoration

In an effort to move the stagnating water at a failing culvert under the Delaware Canal, the Jones Engineering Associates team will undertake engineering services aimed at repairing the culvert, stabilizing the streambank, and dramatically improving conditions 1,000 feet upstream and downstream at this location at the popular Falls Township Community Park.

This project will also reduce the overall pollutant load to Martins Creek and its tributaries, thereby making Falls Township’s MS-4 program more robust.

The section of Martins Creek planned for the upgrades is one of three streambank restoration projects that our firm will carry out. Given the magnitude of and proximity of the projects, Jones Engineering will work with Falls Township’s grant writing team to identify potential green infrastructure grant funds.

Falls Township, a municipal client of Jones Engineering Associates since 2018, authorized our firm to design improvements to reconstruct the stormwater conveyance system that exists along Martins Creek within a portion of Falls Township Community Park, including streambank stabilization improvements aimed at clearing dead trees and vegetation and replanting and reinforcing the streambank.

As part of our contracted services, Jones Engineering will survey approximately 1 acre of wooded terrain, as well as multiple stream cross-sections, upstream and downstream, of the conveyance works to ensure proper design elevations are being used to reconstruct the system. Professional surveying services are also essential for the required base map used for the design of improvements, as well as to obtain the requisite topographic data needed for construction permits.

Following surveying, our team will prepare design, bid, and construction documents for the project. We will also undertake the engineering design of the upgrades, including a floodplain analysis, FEMA coordination for a letter of map revision, as well as obtaining all required permits and approvals from various outside agencies, such as FEMA and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

If necessary, Jones Engineering will also select and coordinate with geotechnical engineering and environmental services. Similar to other projects, our firm will also serve as the project manager, overseeing every aspect of bid administration and field engineering, as well as construction inspection to ensure the improvements are carried out correctly over the three-month time frame.

We look forward to paving the way for these long-awaited improvements to our local stream systems.